Norrbottens Islamiska Center strongly believes in developing the values necessary to form a productive community that can contribute to the overall development of society. Our aim is to help our youth and elders attain useful knowledge of Islam, mathematics, science, and social subjects that could help them in the future and provide them with a strong basis to be beneficial members of Swedish society.

Programs and Curriculum
We have developed various educational programs with the assistance of highly educated PhDs and educators to help our children and youth gain a solid foundation in social studies, language, and sciences. We have also added extracurricular activities to our curriculum that support the overall educational system.
Programs offered
Saturday School
Concept of Saturday school is an extra schooling that can help youngsters to develop their knowledge and skills on different subjects. Following are the subjects we offer.

Arabic School (for Arabic Speakers)
Arabic grammar lessons are compiled from the educational curriculum from Saudia, Iraq, Jordan and Egypt.
The reading includes chapters and lessons from above mentioned curriculum, helping students to upskill them in reading and understanding the text.
Tajweed and Recitation
General Knowledge (Tafseer, Seerah, Hadith, Fiqh)
School for Non Arabic Speakers
Class for Non Arabic Students
Students of this class are mainly from 10 to 16.
Easy Grammar
Short Programs:
We are planning in future to have short programs for Arabic and Non Arabic Speakers on the following topics:
1. Religion
2. Language
3. Faith
4. Introduction to Islam
5. Fundamentals of Islam (a general introduction to Islam)